When we open our eyes to what is all around us, and decide to take responsibility and accountability for our actions anything becomes possible. 🏽👁️So many people out there go through life with their eyes sown shut, as if not seeing what's going on or being ignorant to what they are doing and supporting will somehow make it less? You have to be aware of yourself, how you fit into the society around you, and what you can do to make this planet a little bit better for having you in it. When you take the Kennedy approach and ask what you can do for your world as opposed to the other way around, the world opens up every possibility and dream that you would have never even thought possible. Be what you want to see in the world. Be sure to ️ follow ️ @MichaelBIsbell 🏽 for daily posts like this!Double tap ️ and ️ tag a friend below ️ to help me connect with as many people as possible!I am very happy to be giving a shoutout to all the comments , messages , follows ️, mentions ♂️, and shares recently showing support on the page, and following along my journey 🌎:@catchpipsnotfeels@officialjigarshah@heatherdesantis@molly_trotter@just_eedee@camijfatat@jenna.monaco@kobe.and.louis@husak_alex@sddaghost@lilw0ke@artemlytvynchenkoWant to be #FEATURED on one of our future posts!?! Send us a #DM, or be sure to leave a #comment with the hashtag #mbimedia so we can add you to our list of supporters!!📸 captured by 🏻♀️ @mary.aleda edited by 🏽 @MichaelBIsbell #NorthMiamiBeach, #Florida 🏝️ ️ #FOLLOW @MichaelBIsbell for #DAILY pictures 📸 and videos 📽️ of documentation inspiring you to keep going, and never stop building to a better life! I document my travels ️ with my love 🏻♀️ @mary.aleda & #SelinaTheSiberian @skthehusky ️#SundaysMeanRest #LivingWithPlants #ThisBeautifulPlanet #PersonalBrand #DigitalNomad #NomadicCreator #NoSmallCreator #WorldTraveler #LifeIsLove #MyLifeBeLike #StoryOfMyLife #LiveYourAdventures #FindYourVoice #mbimedia #mbimshare