Teachers shape the world with their knowledge and compassion that they give raising up children and young adults with what they need to know to live their lives. Today is Thank a Teacher Day, show some love to the people who helped you learn and become who you are. •••••SHOUTOUTS: @MichaelBIsbell @WednesdayWanderer @MMs4Breakfast @GreenVibes.n.HighTides @Mary.Aleda"#TravelLife #MyPhoneIsMyJob #StrategicContent #JustGoCreate #ShootEveryDay #BrandDevelopment #ShareYourStory #VideoCreator #DigitalMedia #DigitalMedia #BoostedEveryDay #LovingTheProcess #SeeSomethingNew #WorldwidePhotography #KillEveryPost #ThankATeacher https://bit.ly/3fhAHFI