If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you. – Les Brown ••• You need to find the balance between practicality of how you live your day-to-day and the dreams and goals you set for your future. Do not set expectations you won't work to achieve, you'll only end up resenting yourself or blaming others for your own shortcomings. •••••SHOUTOUTS: @MichaelBIsbell @AssassinsCreed420 @SKTheHusky#PremierePro #FunTimesWithFriends #LovingTheProcess #MakingSomethingNew #PeaceandPositivity #TeaNotCoffee #DigitalStrategy #Motivation #DigitalNomad #BuildYourBrand #DocumentMyLife #FindYourVoice #ShareYourPassion #ShareYourStory #LearnYourLife https://bit.ly/2PLBBhp