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People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do. – Rob Siltanen ••• When you have faith in whatever it is that you're building, you're sparking a flame that will spread through like minds and brands in and around what it is that you do. Always believe in yourself no matter how cheesy or unrealistic it may sound because at the end of the day you're the only one whose actions you can control. •••••SHOUTOUTS: @MichaelBIsbell @AssassinsCreed420 @SKTheHusky#TeaNotCoffee #LiveYourAdventure #SocialSteeze #LiveGreen #LearnToCreate #PracticalPassion #MakingItHappen #EveryDayCounts #BeYourself #PeaceandPositivity #BoostedEveryDay #LovingTheProcess #SeeSomethingNew #WorldwidePhotography #KillEveryPost https://bit.ly/2soLry1